2025 Top Priorities

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Thoughtful Regulations for Artificial Intelligence

Numerous bills to regulate the development and deployment of AI by the private sector are anticipated this Session. Such bills have the potential to result in significant new obligations on not just the largest tech companies, but smaller Maryland based businesses and start-ups. Maryland lawmakers must be cautious in their approach to AI regulation by focusing on the highest-risk uses of the technology without stifling the development and use of AI to solve real-world problems.

Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB)

The MTC is opposed to any efforts to expand the authority of the Maryland PDAB to set Upper Payment Limits to the full commercial market. As of the beginning of Session, the PDAB has yet to set a UPL or recommend any other policies with respect to the affordability of prescription drugs. While such actions are anticipated soon, there will not be enough time to evaluate the effectiveness of such actions during the 2025 Session. MTC maintains that expansion is premature until the PDAB is further along in its work and at a point when its efforts can evaluated for effectiveness in achieving their intended impact.

Drug Pricing Policies

As an alternative to PDAB expansion, the MTC supports other drug pricing policies that have a more direct impact on reducing the out-of-pocket expenses for Maryland patients, including reforms of several practices employed by insurers and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) that inflate the cost that patients pay for necessary medications. Examples include legislation to ban the practice of using copay accumulators and mandates for PBM’s to share manufacturer rebate savings with patients.

Economic Competitiveness

State lawmakers are facing a $2.7 billion budget deficit in FY 2026, which must be addressed this year through cuts and new revenues. MTC urges State officials to view any such budget actions with an economic competitiveness lens. While measures such as corporate tax increases or combined reporting may help address short-term budget needs, the resulting harm to Maryland’s economy and reputation as a place to conduct business will be more detrimental in the long run. MTC will resist such efforts to balance the budget in ways that harm our overall economic ecosystem.

Energy Policy

Energy policy is expected to be a major topic this Session and will range from how to sensibly meet the ambitions goals of the Climate Solutions Now Act, how to generate more energy in-state from a diverse range of sources, necessary infrastructure needed to support demand from electrification efforts and critical infrastructure, and the resulting cost of energy to businesses and consumers. MTC will be monitoring these policy proposals closely to ensure that actions taken align closely with the needs of our members.

Dates of Interest



1/15: Final date for the Governor to introduce budget bill

1/15: Final Date for the Governor to introduce capital budget bill


1/20: 13th Day –Administration bills introduced in the Senate after this date referred to Senate Rules Committee


2/3: 27th Day – SENATE BILL INTRODUCTION DATE Senate bills introduced after this date referred to the Senate Rules Committee

2/5: Governor delivers the State of the State Address (noon) 6 Day before House Bill Introduction Date; “Hopper” will close at 5:00 P.M.

2/7: 31st Day – HOUSE BILL INTRODUCTION DATE House bills introduced after this date referred to the House Rules and Executive Nominations Committee

2/16: 40th Day – “Green Bag” appointments submitted by Governor (Delivered on Friday, February 14)


3/3: 55th Day – Final date for introduction of bills without suspension of Rules

3/11: 63rd Day – Committee Reporting Courtesy Date Each Chamber’s committees to report their own bills by this date

3/17: 69th Day – Opposite Chamber Bill Crossover Date Each Chamber to send to other Chamber those bills it intends to pass favorably Opposite Chamber bills received after this date subject to referral to Rules Committees (Senate Rule 32(c), House Courtesy Date)

3/31: 83rd Day – Budget bill to be passed by both Chambers


4/7: 90th Day – ADJOURNMENT “SINE DIE” (Monday)