VMS Venture: Becoming an Entrepreneur

VMS is focused on companies in the technology and life sciences fields that are preparing to raise their first or second round of venture capital or institutional financing. Entrepreneurs whose applications are accepted will have the opportunity to present to potential mentors at a monthly VMS meeting, after which the VMS will facilitate the matches.

Our team will provide the venture with:

» Matching to an appropriate team of mentors
» Guidelines to support the relationship
» Assistance in the ongoing management of meetings

Find your perfect match to create tomorrow’s next success Story

Potential companies must be committed to the program and led by individuals who work full-time for the business. Ventures can apply here.

Applicant Criteria:

» Led by an individual or individuals working full time on the business
» Technology or Life Science Company
» Demonstrated proof of concept
» Preparing for first venture capital or institutional round of financing

Click here to apply