Maryland Tech Council General Assembly Weekly Report
Week ending January 8, 2020
The 442nd Session of the Maryland General Assembly will commence on January 13th. It will be an unprecedented Session given the continuing public health emergency due to COVID-19. Both the House and Senate have developed extensive plans for operation of the Session essentially on a virtual basis. Hearings will be conducted virtually and public access to the office buildings remains extremely limited. Voting will be done in person but will be closed to the public, however committee voting sessions and Sessions of the full House and Senate will be streamed live for public viewing. As anticipated, 775 prefiled bills have already been released (355 Senate bills; 420 House bills) and bill hearings are scheduled to begin on Thursday January 14th. It will be critical that all parties remain flexible as the Session evolves, the new operational procedures are implemented, and the impact of COVID-19 continues to be addressed. Sign up below to receive emails as we continue to advocate to protect Maryland jobs and preserve the strong economic impact of innovative industries; prevent burdensome and ineffective government regulations on cutting-edge life sciences and technology companies; fight for additional resources as businesses recover from the COVID-19 pandemic; and protect Maryland patients by ensuring they can access the innovative health solutions they need.