CEO Collective: Capital Markets for Maryland Companies
Raising equity capital has been described as one of the biggest challenges for early and mid stage companies in the Mid-Atlantic. There are only a handful of venture investors in the region, and significant effort has gone into attracting more investors. A Venture Capital (VC) investor or Private Equity (PE) firm may have contact with 5,000 companies, meet with 500, and only invest in 5-10 each year. Raising equity capital is challenging and highly competitive. It can be grueling and time consuming for company management teams.
In contrast, there are many Maryland companies that have successfully raised capital outside of the region. What is unique about the leadership teams that raise capital successfully every year? Can we learn from each other to improve the overall availability of capital in the Mid-Atlantic?
CEO peer groups create a safe and secure environment for CEOs to share challenges and receive advice and feedback from others that have “been there and done that”. It is the best means to take advantage of the collective experiences of peers and experts. Participation in a CEO peer group provides an opportunity to step out and work on the business rather than in it.
The Maryland Technology Council connects entrepreneurial minds to solve some of the most challenging business issues. We are preparing to bring together CEOs to support each other and help address business challenges in the Mid-Atlantic. This collective will focus on capital markets for Maryland companies. CEOs will share their experiences raising capital, preparing for capital markets, and what it means to sell fractions of a business to raise capital for development, commercialization and growth. The network value of a CEO collective is incredible. Shared contacts and expertise to solve some of the most challenging issues can provide a competitive advantage.
Watch for more information in Vibe and other Maryland Technology Council communications.