Cost Savings Program


Delivering unmatched security and document analytics, ShareVault simplifies secure document sharing for all organization types and works with the tools you already use. 

The Maryland Tech Council cost-savings program partners with industry-leading suppliers to offer discounted products and services to its members. Spanning life sciences, financials services, legal services, energy/natural resources, technology, manufacturing, education and other markets, ShareVault has enabled more than $20B in transactions for organizations in 46 countries. 

  • Minimum 20% discount on ShareVault’s products (excluding ShareVault Basic)
  • Minimum 30% savings off the standard pricing of ShareVault for SharePoint
  • Minimum 5% additional discount on subscriptions with terms of two or more years
  • eCTD tag structure available at no cost
  • Creating of document index available at no cost
  • Migration services from existing VDRs at no cost
  • Assistance with high-performance uploads at no cost
  • Support for PDF cross-linking in regulatory submissions (e.g. IND, NDA) available at no cost


Contact: Steve Joseph: | O 408.596.5603 | C 650.333.2030
Contact: Pamela Lubel: | O 240.243.4049


Mention of the Month

The Maryland Tech Council Office Hours is connecting you with amazing people for 30 minutes of free 1:1 meetings – Next month, meet on the topic of Cyber Liability — and a Whole Lot More!

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, which is an annual campaign to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity. The Internet touches almost all aspects of everyone’s daily life, whether we realize it or not. Again this year, the Maryland Tech Council is working to engage and educate its members through events and initiatives to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity.

The Maryland Tech Council Office Hours – October 4, 2017

There is no member who won’t need specific guidance at some point in their journey. The Maryland Tech Council Office Hours gives its’ members the opportunity to sit down with our professional service members to discuss any questions you may have.

Benefits of Maryland Tech Council Office Hours – October 4, 2017

Exclusivity – the members of the Tech Council are volunteering their time exclusively for fellow members

Expertise – the members are compiled of investors, accountants, video surveillance, human resources and cloud computing (just to name a few) with years of experience and have consulted for hundreds of organizations

FREE – The Maryland Tech Council members volunteer their time to speak with you for free 

Do you have specific questions about CYBERSECURITY and PREVENTION?

Sign up for Office Hours and meet Alan Schulman with the Meltzer Group

Your organization may have dedicated IT professionals who are working to stop breaches and patch networks all in a constant battle to defend against attacks. But despite your best efforts, businesses can still find their data compromised.

Sign up and meet Alan Schulman with The Meltzer Group. Alan is an insurance industry veteran and has more than 30 years of experience. Alan feels compelled to use his position as an industry insider, change maker and opinion leader to keep us informed to drive better outcomes, help manage costs, reduce risk, and remain compliant.

Click here to reserve your spot.

Cost Savings Program

costsavings-flyerClick here to download flyer.

Don’t wait until the next eclipse to start saving money on supplies. Join the 140 MTC members of all sizes, who save substantial money each year through the members only cost savings program. 

As a reminder, we wanted to help you see the savings from a different business perspective. MTC’s membership gives you the leverage of our entire industry’s financial clout to deliver to your company – as a FREE benefit – exclusive deep savings and premier services from leading suppliers in these vital cost centers. At no cost to you, call and speak with a dedicated representative and sign up today. Click here for contact information and select the individual program that makes sense for your company.

Each supplier knows the unique risks and challenges of our high-stakes industry. Each has been selected to give every company advantages that might otherwise go only to the very largest enterprises…or not be offered at all.

The Maryland Tech Council works for you—so you can do your best work! 

How do I get started? Click here. Each individual program has its own enrollment process. Or, feel free to contact or 240-243-4049.


Mentoring Services

Meet us September 14th at the Big Idea CONNECTpreneur Fall Forum!

The MTC VMS program is looking for startup companies in the technology and life sciences fields, led by an individual or individuals who work full-time on the business that are preparing to raise their first venture capital or institutional round of financing.

The MTC VMS program is based on a team mentoring approach modeled after the highly-successful MIT Venture Mentoring Service, which has been implemented in more than 70 communities around the globe. The MTC VMS program is currently serving 16 Maryland-based startup companies, which have a nexus to Maryland and a demonstrated proof of concept for their respective product or service. 

MTC VMS assistance is given across a broad range of business activity, including product development, marketing, intellectual property law, finance, human resources, and founders issues. MTC VMS services are offered without charge to potential entrepreneurs/mentees whose applications are accepted.

Meet us September 14th at the Big Idea CONNECTpreneur Fall Forum or click here for more information.


Six State Tax Credits Maryland Companies Should Know About

Fortunately, tax season is over six months away, however it doesn’t hurt to start planning. The state of Maryland offers a variety of tax credits for everything from R&D, to cyber to veteran-owned businesses. If your business is established or if it’s in the growing phase and looking for funding, these tax credits may help your bottom line. Take a look to see what you may be missing:

More Jobs for Marylanders

One of Governor Hogan’s top legislative priorities of 2017, More Jobs for Marylanders is a new program that incentivizes and encourages manufacturers to create jobs in areas of Maryland that need jobs the most. Created for new and existing manufacturing businesses, the Program provides tax incentives tied to job creation for a 10-year period, encourages additional investment in new equipment through accelerated and bonus depreciation and helps to strengthen Maryland’s workforce.

New manufacturing businesses locating in a Tier 1 county and creating at least five news jobs may be entitled to a 10-year (1) income tax credit based on the number of jobs created; (2) State property tax exemption; (3) sales and use tax refund for specific purchases; and (4) waiver of all State Department of Assessment and Taxation fees. Tier 1 jurisdictions include Baltimore City and Allegany, Dorchester, Somerset, and Worcester Counties. Tier 2 counties that have been promoted for Tier 1 benefits, per the Secretary’s approval authority to designate three counties, are Baltimore, Prince George’s and Washington Counties.

Hire Our Veterans Tax Credit

This program provides a State income tax credit to small businesses for hiring qualified veterans based on wages paid to those veteran employees. A Maryland employer may qualify for an income tax credit equal to 30% of up to the first $6,000 of wages paid to a qualified veteran employee during the first year of employment (i.e. a maximum of $1,800 per qualified veteran employee). A qualified employer is a “small business” operated by an individual, a partnership, a limited partnership, a limited liability partnership, a limited liability company, or a corporation that employs 50 or fewer full-time employees.

Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit (CIITC)

CIITC provides a refundable income tax credit to Qualified Maryland Cybersecurity Companies (QMCCs) that secure investment from investors. The purpose of this new program is to incentivize and attract cybersecurity companies to startup in or move to Maryland; and to attract investment to cybersecurity companies in order to help them grow, create jobs and retain intellectual property in Maryland.

Montgomery County passed legislation to offer a local supplement to the Maryland Cybersecurity Investment Incentive Tax Credit to QMCCs that receive a final Maryland tax credit certificate and have their headquarters and base of operations in Montgomery County. The program is subject to appropriation of funds.

Research and Development Tax Credit (R&D)

Businesses that have qualified R&D expenditures in Maryland may qualify for two state income tax credits, the Basic R&D Tax Credit and the Growth R&D Tax Credit. The tax credit remains in effect until January 1, 2020, subject to extension by the General Assembly.

  • Basic R&D Tax Credit: Three percent (3%) of eligible R&D expenses that do not exceed the Maryland Base Amount. If the total credits applied for exceed $5.5 million, the business’s Basic tax credit is prorated.
  • Growth R&D Tax Credit: Ten percent (10%) of eligible R&D expenses in excess of the Maryland Base Amount. If the total credits applied for exceed $6.5 million, the business’s Growth R&D tax credit is prorated.

Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit (BIITC)

BIITC provides an investor with income tax credits equal to 50% of an eligible investment in a Qualified Maryland Biotechnology Company (QMBC). The program supports investment in seed and early stage biotech companies to promote and grow the biotech industry in Maryland. 

BIITC provides an income tax credit equal to 50% of an eligible investment in a QMBC up to $250,000 for each QMBC per fiscal year. Total credits issued during the fiscal year cannot exceed the budget amount and are, therefore, issued on a first come basis. The credit is refundable if the investor has no Maryland income tax liability.

Employer Security Clearance Costs (ESCC) Tax Credit

The ESCC Tax Credit provides income tax credits for expenses related to federal security clearance costs, construction of Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIFs) and first-year leasing costs for small businesses doing security-based contract work. 

  • Security Clearance Administrative Expenses Tax Credit
    A business may qualify for an income tax credit up to $200,000 per taxable year for qualified security clearance administrative expenses.
  • Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility Costs Tax Credit
    A business may also claim a credit against its Maryland income tax for costs related to the construction or renovation of a SCIF located in Maryland. The SCIF must be accredited by the appropriate federal agency. For costs related to a single SCIF, the credit is equal to the lesser of 50% of the costs or $200,000. For costs related to multiple SCIFs, the credit is the amount of costs up to $500,000 per calendar year.
  • The First Year Leasing Costs Tax Credit for Qualified Small Business
    A qualified small business may also claim a credit against its Maryland income tax up to $200,000 for costs for rental payments during the first year of a rental agreement for leasing spaces to perform security-based contracting work.

Check the State of Maryland website for details, exclusions, and updates at




Workforce Development

New Training Center in Baltimore Readies Maryland’s Cyber Workforce

Governor Larry Hogan; Stephen Thomas, general manager of Cyberbit North America; Bruce Spector, CEO of Baltimore-based Electronic Technology Associates (ETA); Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh; and other dignitaries attended a grand opening celebration of the Baltimore Cyber Range. The creation of the center was announced during the governor’s trade mission to Israel in September 2016. The Baltimore Cyber Range, which is located in Spark Baltimore in Baltimore City, will provide cybersecurity professionals with the most advanced cyber warfare strategies in an environment that simulates real threats.

“Governor Hogan’s trade mission to Israel was designed to bring to Maryland the technology-rich capability the Israelis have developed in cybersecurity,” said Bruce Spector of ETA. “The Baltimore Cyber Range has done just that, bringing together their team, along with the capabilities of Cyberbit, to create a revolutionary way to train cybersecurity workers.” “The range has demonstrated the potential to dramatically improve the skills and experience of those working to protect our national IT infrastructure. It also represents a key element of our ongoing efforts to provide the Maryland workforce the skills and knowledge required to address the skilled cybersecurity workforce shortage.”

The Baltimore Cyber Range is powered by Cyberbit’s Range Platform, a cybersecurity simulation and training environment that enables security teams to train in realistic settings. This hands-on experience expands cyber professionals’ knowledge base and enhances their skills to keep pace with evolving cyber threats. In addition, the training offered through the Baltimore Cyber Range promotes team building and enables cyber teams to respond more quickly and more effectively to complex and advanced attacks. As the first stand-alone and hands-on training cybersecurity training center in the nation, it will provide the most-up-to date training for our cyber force, further demonstrating that Maryland is truly the cyber capital of America. The rapidly growing need for hands-on cybersecurity training in private and public-sector organizations worldwide means that there is a need for this type of pioneering activity in Maryland which is being brought by the Baltimore Range.

Since 2015, the Hogan administration has taken major strides to cultivate and strengthen Maryland’s impressive cyber industry. In the Fiscal Year 2018 budget, the administration added $4 million for cybersecurity training in the EARN Maryland initiative. In addition to the 2016 Israel economic development trade mission, Governor Hogan in June of this year led a delegation of Maryland businesses and officials on a trade mission to London, where he addressed cyber industry leaders at the Houses of Parliament and announced the launch of iCyberCenter@bwtech, an international cybersecurity center at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Last month, Governor Hogan joined 37 governors across the country in joining a multi-state cyber compact to better secure states’ cyber infrastructure, and announced the opening of ELTA North America’s Cyber Innovation Center.


“Working with Cyberbit and Governor Hogan’s administration to bring this new cyber training technology to Maryland has been an unbelievable opportunity,” said Michael Doyle, president of Baltimore Cyber Range.

“We congratulate the Baltimore Cyber Range and the state of Maryland for opening the new training and simulation facility today,” said Adi Dar, CEO of Cyberbit.

Member Spotlight

Every month the Maryland Tech Council turns the spotlight on an individual member who is making an impact in their professional field. This month, we want to recognize and thank all of our members who support, advocate and work to diversify Maryland’s technology and life science industries and the Maryland Tech Council.


We are excited about the new fiscal year and laying the ground work for all of the collaboration that will go on. To kick things off, please join us at the new headquarters office on October 4th for MEMBER Orientation. This is your opportunity to meet the MTC staff, familiarize yourself with the variety of member benefits, and most importantly, get connected!  Topics covered include:

  • Member Benefits
  • Events/Networking
  • Cost Savings Programs
  • Committees
  • Mentoring
  • Talent/Workforce Development
  • Advocacy/Government Relations
  • Communications

We aren’t a place you “go” – we are a network you access, a resource you leverage, an advisor you can trust. Join us October 4th and meet the MTC Team that is ready to support your growth.

MTC Member Orientation
Thursday, October 4, 2017 9:00 am – 10:30 am
Maryland Tech Council
9841 Washingtonian Blvd #200, Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Register Here
Forgot MTC User Name or Password? Click Here

Featured Highlight


MTC’s Young Professionals Society – Path to Success: The Journey of Spotluck CEO, Cherian Thomas

Join the Maryland Tech Council’s Young Professionals Society (YPS) for “Path to Success: The Journey of Spotluck CEO, Cherian Thomas”. This insightful discussion will feature Spotluck Co-Founder and CEO, Cherian Thomas. Hear firsthand from the CEO of one of iTunes’ most popular dining apps about his journey to success. Learn what it takes to build and lead a company from a fellow young professional. More information and registration details can be found here.

The Maryland Tech Council launched YPS in April 2017 and has since held four networking events for Maryland young professionals. YPS advances young professionals through leadership and professional development, networking opportunities and educational events. The society aims to strengthen the life science and technology communities in Maryland by providing an opportunity for collaboration between these two industries.

To keep up with all YPS events and news, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn. For more information, or to learn about sponsorship opportunities, contact Emily Pool.



Mentoring Services

The Maryland Tech Council Venture Mentoring Service Program (MTC VMS) is a team mentoring program based on a model developed by MIT. The program has been adopted in over 70 communities around the globe; the MTC VMS program is the 50th program. The ultimate goal of the program is to bring employment opportunities and capital to the area in the technology and life sciences fields by helping companies grow faster.

Mentee Opportunity

The MTC VMS is focused on companies in the technology and life sciences fields that are preparing to raise their first venture capital or institutional round of financing. Potential mentees are carefully selected and may include individuals whose organization is their first or second venture.

Potential mentee companies must be led by an individual or individuals who work full-time on the business and will be committed to the program and willing to take responsibility for engaging with their mentor team.

Potential mentees/entrepreneurs whose applications are accepted will have the opportunity to present to potential mentors at a monthly mentor meeting, after which the VMS will facilitate matches with interested mentors. The VMS team will provide guidelines to support the start-up of the relationship and assist in the ongoing management of the team mentoring meetings. Apply Here.

For more information about the program, a representative from the VMS will be holding office hours later this month to discuss the program. If you would like to learn more, please email

Member Spotlight

Polaris Alpha


Congratulations to Polaris Alpha which was recently named Government Contractor of the Year at the MTC Industry Awards Celebration! To give members deeper insight into the company, we spoke with CEO Peter Cannito about this newly formed company.

Tell us about Polaris Alpha and the types of clients with whom you work.

The company was formed last year when three well-established companies came together: EOIR Technologies, Intelligent Software Solutions, and Proteus Technologies. All three companies were small businesses, and we wanted to form a new, agile, mid-sized company. We focus on highly technical mission critical systems development for national security clients, including intelligence, three-letter agencies, and the Department of Defense. In Maryland, we support Ft. Meade and various tenants at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Specifically, we build intelligence management systems, cybersecurity systems, smart sensors, and electronic warfare applications.

Polaris Alpha employs 1,200 people and has 20 offices. Our hubs are in Annapolis Junction, Maryland, and Colorado Springs, Colorado.

How is Polaris Alpha different from other government contracting firms?

There are very few mid-sized government contracting firms that are doing what we do, so we are, in essence, defining that space. Our strategy maintains that the market is interested in a mid-size player like Polaris Alpha that is focused on high-end technical capabilities like electronic warfare, cyber, advanced analytics, and cloud computing. We stay at the high-end so that we can be more agile in terms of how we can support the customer, and we are disruptive in developing innovative ways to develop those technologies. As independent small businesses, all three companies shared a common culture in that they were interested in mission critical areas, and now that we are one company, we’re forming a strategy to lead this mid-tier agile space.

What are the most important factors you attribute to your company’s success?

There are two, organic growth and continuing momentum. This year, we acquired Intelesys in Columbia, Maryland. With that acquisition, we plan on winning a number of different contracts as a team instead of as individual companies. We also want to continue our success in using OTAs.

What were some of the obstacles you and your colleagues are facing in bringing together the three companies?

We are trying to successfully navigate the obstacles that come with growing a new company while working on blending corporate cultures into one that is unique. We are currently focusing on merging systems across the organization so that we can grow at a healthy rate and implement a cohesive set of processes. The real challenge comes with working on all of this while supporting intense mission-critical programs.

What are the most pressing challenges you anticipate facing over the next 12 – 24  months?

Within the industry, it’s the ability to come up with new and innovative ways to work with the government so that it keeps pace with technology. Government contracting can be slow and technology changes quickly. With IT, it can be difficult to connect the dots across large agencies, but if you’re as focused on this rapidly growing space as we are, it’s easier to communicate to agencies how they can leverage systems across the government. We’ve developed a lot of intellectual property that can be used across different agencies.

Tell us about the culture at Polaris.

Our mission is the mission. There are a lot of companies in this area where people who are coming out of college and into the high-tech space can work. We differentiate ourselves by offering these individuals the opportunity to have a real impact on mission critical areas and gain hands-on experience supporting highly technical programs. We are building a culture where we have intelligent and motivated people of all experience levels collaborating to solve highly technical problems. They feel good about having a career in which they are doing real work and making a real difference.

Where did the name come from?

Polaris, or the North Star, is actually a triple star system, so we felt that it was representative of the original three companies. Alpha is the brightest of the three stars.

Who can MTC members contact if they have any questions?

They can contact Brittany Trocher, Strategic Communications & Outreach Manager at or at 410.306.8721 or 443.417.6873.
