Mentoring Services

Tech Council of Maryland Venture Mentoring Services (TCM VMS) Continues to Soar – Seeking Startup Companies

The TCM VMS program is looking for startup companies in the technology and life sciences fields, led by an individual or individuals who work full-time on the business that are preparing to raise their first venture capital or institutional round of financing. For more information or to apply, click here

Potential Startup Companies whose applications are accepted will have the opportunity to present to potential mentors at a monthly meeting, after which the TCM VMS will facilitate matches with interested mentors. The TCM VMS will provide guidelines to support the startup of the relationship and assist in the ongoing management of the team mentoring meetings. There is no fee to the startup company for the mentoring program. For more information or to apply, click here

The TCM VMS program is based on a team mentoring approach modeled after the highly-successful MIT Venture Mentoring Service, which has been implemented in more than 60 communities around the globe. The TCM VMS program is currently serving 14 Maryland-based startup companies, which have a nexus to Maryland and a demonstrated proof of concept for their respective product or service. For more information or to apply, click here 

Contact: The Tech Council of Maryland Venture Mentor Services is a program of the Tech Council of Maryland. For more information or to apply, click here.

Cost Savings Program

Deep Discounts and Exclusive Services available to
Tech Council Members

Your company’s TCM membership leverages the entire industry’s financial clout to deliver to you—as a FREE benefit—exclusive deep savings and premier services from leading suppliers in many vital areas. Are you taking advantage of your free member benefit? For information and enrollment, click here


Each supplier knows the unique risks and challenges of our high-stakes industry. Each has been selected to give every company—your company—savings and services usually reserved for only the very largest enterprises.

Enrollment is quick and easy. For specifics on the savings and benefits available to you immediately, click here.

Cost Savings Program

TCM is pleased to announce that the Office Depot member benefit deal just got better.  The program offers aggressive pricing based on $6 million of total annual volume. Office Depot also offers discounted pricing on Copy Print Depot services which provide professional printing, copying, binding, and finishing as well as Promotional Products services with over 1,200 promotional items available for customized company branding.

Whether you have one location or many, the national program continues to offer a local touch. Realize significant cost savings through category management, online tools and reporting that help streamline ordering. See what companies like yours $aved. A few enhancements to the program include:

  • Deep discounts on copy, print and finishing services, including signs, table cloths and marketing
  • Exclusive discounts on HP ink and toner
  • Discounts on breakroom and facility supplies
  • Discounts on office furniture
  • Free Delivery on qualifying orders
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Click here for exclusive member promotion


Contact: See the cost savings and review a list of our reputable partners to get more information. For specifics on exclusive savings and benefits available to TCM members, click here. Take advantage of this Tech Council of Maryland free member benefit today!

Mentoring Services

Tech Council of Maryland Venture Mentoring Services (TCM VMS) Soaring – Seeking Startup Companies

The TCM VMS program is based on a team mentoring approach modeled after the highly-successful MIT Venture Mentoring Service, which has been implemented in more than 60 communities around the globe. The TCM VMS program is currently serving 14 Maryland-based startup companies, which have a nexus to Maryland and a demonstrated proof of concept for their respective product or service.

The TCM VMS program is focused on startups in the technology and life sciences fields that are preparing to raise their first venture capital or institutional round of financing. Potential startup companies are carefully selected and may include individuals whose organization is their first or second venture.

The TCM VMS program is looking for startup companies led by an individual or individuals who work full-time on the business and will be committed to the program and willing to take responsibility for engaging with their mentor team.

Potential Startup Companies whose applications are accepted will have the opportunity to present to potential mentors at a monthly meeting, after which the TCM VMS will facilitate matches with interested mentors. The TCM VMS will provide guidelines to support the startup of the relationship and assist in the ongoing management of the team mentoring meetings. There is no fee to the startup company for the mentoring program.

Contact: The Tech Council of Maryland Venture Mentor Services is a program of the Tech Council of Maryland. For more information or to apply, click here.

TCM Highlight

Tech Council to Lead Panel Discussion on the Regional Opportunities of Precision Medicine and Digital Health

The state of Maryland, and specifically Montgomery County, have become leaders in the evolution of bringing together information technology companies with healthcare and life science companies for the purpose of advancing the future of precision medicine and digital health. As a respected representative, the Tech Council is taking the lead in this effort and on November 3, we are hosting an invitation-only panel discussion to lay the groundwork by discussing standards for information sharing, partnering in the development of opportunities, and addressing challenges that are associated with this new paradigm. This is a first-of-its-kind consolidation of discussion to include life sciences, technologies, and healthcare industry specialists with key government and academic leaders.

Topics to be discussed include:

  1. What are the opportunities?
  2. What are the challenges that will need to be overcome?
  3. What resources will be required, and how will those resources be
    marshaled to drive success?
  4. Who needs to partner?

The panel will be comprised of 15-20 selected industry and opinion leaders, and a professional moderator will facilitate the discussion to drive the focus. Members of the panel will develop recommendations and guidance for marshaling government and regional resources, providing industry incentives, and directing public/private collaborations intended to support
precision medicine and digital health initiatives that will facilitate the collaboration and growth of related businesses in Maryland and Montgomery County.

Outcomes from the November 3 meeting will be published in the December issue of the Vibe. If you would like more information on this and future discussions, please contact Michelle Ferrone at

Workforce Development

A Look at Maryland Workforce Development News

A number of forces are at work within the state of Maryland that contribute to workforce development. Community and four-year colleges and trade schools play the main role in preparing students for careers, and grants received at the state and local level also help to drive the economy and stimulate employment. You may know on some level that all of this is happening, but you may not hear about it. This month, the Tech Council is highlighting some workforce development news.

Universities at Shady Grove
On October 20, USG broke ground on its Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Education Facility. Executive Director, Dr. Stewart Edelstein, said that the new building will allow USG to nearly double the number of students it serves from 4,000 to 7,500 when the building opens in 2019. This means that USG will provide more businesses in Montgomery County and in the region with a talent pool of qualified graduates in cutting-edge high-demand science, technology, engineering, math, and medical sciences positions. USG, along with the University of Maryland, Baltimore, University of Maryland, College Park, and UMBC will offer undergraduate and graduate degrees in healthcare, biosciences, engineering, and computational sciences.

According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Maryland leads the country in academic research and development and has the third highest concentration of high tech businesses in the nation. However, the growth of skilled jobs in Montgomery County continues to outpace available candidates in the region. There is a projected demand for nearly 117,000 new workers by 2017 to fill new or vacated positions in Montgomery County, and an expected shortage of qualified workers to fill the region’s wide range of occupations.

Loyola University
Loyola University Maryland has been awarded an $80,977 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for a collaborative project that will significantly enhance undergraduate physics education by developing, evaluating, and sharing methods to incorporate workforce-relevant skills and activities in the student experience. The project, “The PIPELINE Network: Supporting the Development of Physics Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education through Institutional Engagement,” integrates the efforts of Loyola and five other institutions that received grant funding from NSF including the University of Colorado Denver, Rochester Institute of Technology, Wright State University, The George Washington University, and the College of William and Mary. At the conclusion of the three-year project, PIPELINE Network schools will share materials nationally through the American Physical Society. Bahram Roughani, Ph.D., associate dean for natural and applied sciences and principal investigator on the grant commented that, “Incorporating workforce-relevant training into a technical discipline like physics boosts student retention and career readiness and attracts more students from groups that are historically underrepresented in STEM. More broadly, we now have the opportunity to work together to change the widely held perception that pursuing a physics degree limits a student’s career options.”

The University of Maryland/Morgan State Joint Center for Economic Development
The University of Maryland/Morgan State Joint Center for Economic Development (EDA Center) announced recently that a new grant secured from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) will help fund a collaborative initiative that networks resources across the University System of Maryland (USM) to address economic challenges that face Maryland’s most vulnerable communities. Dr. Scott Dempwolf, Director of the EDA Center said that, “By amassing the talent, work, and ingenuity of Maryland’s research institutions with a common thread, we strengthen our efforts as individuals. Combined with the matching support of our partners, the EDA grant will help us continue our efforts through collaboration, research, teaching, and economic development practice.” Dr. Dempwolf will work with University System of Maryland’s new Vice Chancellor for Economic Development to develop a statewide network of economic developers working in and with USM’s 12 member institutions and two regional higher education centers. The network will connect economic research, resources, and best practices across all of the institutions, strengthening the capacity of USM and its member institutions to translate Maryland’s investments in research and education into local economic development impact statewide.

Anne Arundel County
Military service members in Maryland will have access to training for civilian jobs through a $4.3 million Labor Department grant awarded this month to the Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation.
The National Dislocated Worker Grant will go toward re-employment services for about 730 service members and spouses stationed mostly at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Fort Meade, Joint Base Andrews and Patuxent River Naval Air Station. The grants, funded through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, are designed to help states and local workforce investment boards re-employ laid-off workers quickly through occupational training.

State of Maryland
The state of Maryland announced a $2 million award from the United States Department of Labor’s ApprenticeshipUSA Expansion Grant. The grant will be used to invest in the State’s registered apprenticeship programming. Maryland Labor Secretary Kelly M. Schulz said that, “Apprenticeships allow Marylanders to work while they learn in some of the State’s leading industries. Investing in the future of the State’s workforce means investing in registered apprenticeships. A bedrock of Governor Larry Hogan’s strategic vision to make Maryland ‘open for business’ is to provide businesses with the skilled workforce they need to compete in the regional and global economies. Under the leadership of Governor Hogan, Maryland is working toward a sizable increase in apprenticeships, from 7,186 in 2012 to 9,258 today, with a goal of 9,500 by the end of 2016.” The new funds will be used to provide additional staffing and outreach to businesses interested in creating apprenticeship opportunities to meet their talent pipeline needs. The funds will also enable the Maryland Department of Labor to create a pilot program targeted at increasing apprenticeship opportunities for skilled immigrants in occupations within the healthcare industry.


How the State of Maryland Can Help
You Finance Your Business

If you’re looking for money to grow your business, the state of Maryland is a good place to start. The Maryland Department of Commerce Office of Finance Programs provides the business community nuancing and incentive-based solutions for economic development projects to maximize job creation and retention, leverage capital investment, and encourage growth in targeted business sectors and specific geographic areas throughout the state. The state offers financial support in the form of direct loans, grants, and investments to a variety of businesses.

Economic Development Opportunities Fund (Sunny Day)
The Sunny Day fund supports extraordinary economic development opportunities that create and retain employment as well as create significant capital investments.

Maryland Economic Adjustment Fund (MEAF)
The Maryland Economic Adjustment Fund assists business entities in the state with modernization of manufacturing operations, development of commercial applications for technology, and exploring and entering new markets.

Military Personnel and Veteran-Owned Small Business Loan Program
The state provides no-interest loans for businesses owned by military reservists, veterans, National Guard personnel and for small businesses that employ or are owned by such persons.

Small, Minority and Women-Owned Business Account – Video Lottery Terminal Fund (VLT)
The VLT Fund provides 1.5% of the proceeds from video lottery terminals (slots) that is distributed in targeted areas surrounding select Maryland casinos. At least 50% of the VLT allocations are deployed to small, minority, and women-owned businesses located within certain targeted areas of the six casinos. The other 50% is available to small, minority, and women-owned businesses located throughout Maryland.

Maryland Small Business Development Fund Authority (MSBDFA)
The MSBDFA provides financing for small businesses that are not able to qualify for financing from private lending institutions or owned by socially and economically disadvantaged persons.

State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI)
A component of the federal Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, the State Small Business Credit Initiative provides direct funding for state credit enhancement programs. These funds must target an average borrower size of 500 employees or less and loans averaging $5 million.

ADVANCE Maryland
ADVANCE Maryland, in partnership with the National Center for Economic Gardening, is a program for second-stage entrepreneurs that uses a “grow from within” strategy targeting existing growth companies and offering them critical strategic information customized to their needs. This information can be key to propelling your company to its next phase of growth.

Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Fund (MEIF)
The E-Novation Initiative Fund offers a state match to private funds raised in support of endowed chairs at Maryland’s nonprofit institutions of higher education. Under the fund, $8.5 million will be appropriated by the Governor annually from fiscal 2016 through 2021.

Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority Fund (MEDAAF)
The MEDAAF fund is a flexible, broad-based program providing below market, fixed rate direct assistance to growth industry sector businesses, locating or expanding in priority funding areas of the state. Funding for special purpose programs include Arts & Entertainment, Brownfields, Child Care Centers and Seafood and Aquaculture.

If you are an entrepreneur looking to develop, transfer, or accelerate a technology-based product, the state has collaborators and partners that provide funding options. For more information on all of the state’s business funding opportunities, visit

Source: Maryland Department of Commerce –

Government Relations


On September 13th, 2016 Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that the State of New York, using its power to regulate state chartered banks and all insurance companies doing business in the State, would begin requiring those entities to have minimum cyber security standards in place. The minimum standards include:

  • The establishment of a cyber security program
  • The adoption of a cyber security policy
  • A formal, required role for a chief information security officer
  • Oversight of third-party service providers
  • Additional items that relate to security practices and other matters

Although some of the proposed regulations closely align with current government and voluntary certification programs like the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cyber Security Framework, International Standards Organization 27000 (ISO), Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards and private/public partnerships like North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards, others do not.

For many regulatory areas, like insurance, utilities, health care and professional licensing there is no overarching Federal framework. Thus, states have the ability to impose their own standards on those entities that are operating within that state. This regulatory reach even extends to the new “sharing” economy businesses of ride sharing, space sharing and fantasy sports competition.

For some technology companies this new regulatory frontier will be a boon driving businesses to them in a scramble to get compliant with emerging state regulation. For others, overlapping regulations and competing contract compliance requirements will greatly increase risks associated with gathering, storing and managing data.

The Tech Council of Maryland will be monitoring all the legislation introduced in the 2107 Maryland General Assembly Session to see if any Maryland specific cyber security regulations are proposed. Please check the TCM website frequently from January to May to keep updated on developments in Annapolis as they occur.

November Member Spotlight


The Tech Council of Maryland visited Kitchology and talked to co-founders Dr. Alain Briançon and Iris Sherman about the company and life as a startup.

Tell us about Kitchology
Millions of people suffer from food allergies and sensitivities and because of that, they may feel like their meal options are limited and that their freedom to choose has been greatly reduced. We set out to change that. We started Kitchology in 2013 building an integrated cooking platform that utilizes machine learning and leverages a deep knowledge base to help users plan their meals with ingredients that they probably have on hand. We now provide targeted and personalized ingredient substitutions during recipe selection and help with purchasing through personalized shopping lists. We even take users step-by-step through the entire preparation and cooking process. We wanted to design something that would go beyond the pain point of food allergies and get valuable feedback from people preparing those meals.

How did the idea of Kitchology come to be?
The idea, naturally, was born in a kitchen. Like most parents [Iris explains], I struggled to find meals that everyone liked, but I also had to take into consideration that one of my sons has a serious food allergy. I not only had to find meals that everyone liked, but I also needed meals that everyone could safely eat. I started to wonder if there was a system that could help people make their own substitutions in their own recipes and if there was a way to modify nearly any recipe to make it safe to eat for almost anyone. Alain was on a mission to help solve the food waste problem, and we knew that we could combine our interests and implement a system that addressed both issues. We’re self-proclaimed serial entrepreneurs and we’ve worked for startups before, so the whole process wasn’t completely new to us.

How does the technology work?
We’ve built a patent pending cooking platform for people dealing with food allergies and special diets. At its core, Kitchology is a profiling engine that analyzes consumer activities and a substitution engine that makes product substitutions and recommendations when consumers plan meals and shop. We put the cooks in the center of our design. If they decide better, they eat better (along with the people they cook for). This requires a lot of work including developing a database with over 480,000 substitution rules and 80,000 culinary rules. Profiling is performed using explicit inputs, inference analysis, and collaborative filtering. Together, this allows for advanced matching of ingredients pertaining to the users’ preferences, enabling planning, cooking, and sharing. We have filed six patent applications on key elements, and we are rolling out this functionality in phases to ensure we are doing it right. We look at this platform as a cook-centric model platform that captures analytics that no one else captures. That could be quite disruptive to many.

Kitchology has garnered quite a few accolades over the past few years. Tell us about some of those.
Just this year we were named a finalist in the and Consumer Technology Association Startup of the Year competition, Iris was named as one of the Upstart 100 Inventors, we were two of the top Startup Founders over 40, we won the 2016 USA Creative Business Cup, and also a $100,000 deal at the Baltimore Piranha Tank Event. We were also a winner of the 16th Annual Maryland Incubator Company of the Year Awards, and we were voted as a Startup Maryland Fan Favorite two years in a row in 2014 and 2015.

What’s ahead for Kitchology?
We want to bring the technology forward so we can acquire more users and get more retail partners. The trick for us is to manage business and figure out what delivers the most value and then go for that. Our approach is to put in place a system to show partners what the world needs. Technology is not about the good ideas. It’s about coming up with good questions to get to that good idea.

How long have you been a member of the Tech Council and what have you gotten involved in?
We joined the Tech Council almost a year ago. Pam Lubel got us involved in the Venture Mentoring Program and it has been very impactful for us. We just can’t say enough about our mentors. They are incredible.

Where can people sign up to use Kitchology or learn more about the company?They can go to where they can use the service for free. They can also contact Alain at or at 301.728.5512 or Iris at or at 301.366.1901.

TCM Featured Highlight

The Return of TCM Vibe
Welcome to the new TCM Vibe! The Vibe is the voice of TCM and its members. We keep our eye on innovation and each month we’ll update you on member activities, events, industry partnerships, legislative activities, and so much more. We encourage you to send ideas about information that you would like to see. For now, enjoy this issue!