Mentoring With a Difference
The Maryland Tech Council Venture Mentoring Services
Connecting Entrepreneurs with Business Experts to Brainpower Success
The ultimate goal is to bring employment opportunities and capital to the technology and life sciences fields by helping new companies grow faster.
The program is focused on and we are looking for companies in the technology and life sciences fields that are preparing to raise their first venture capital or institutional round of financing and led by an individual or individuals who work full-time on the business.
- Developed at MIT
- Begun 17 Years Ago
- Replicated in 74+ Communities Worldwide
- MTC VMS begun 2016
- 26 Mentee Companies – 16 Tech | 10 Life Science
- $5.6M Reported Capital Raised – $2.5M Tech | $3.1M Life Science
- 21,840 Mentor Volunteer Hours
- 210 Mentor Team Meetings
- 2095 Management Committee Volunteer Hours
For more information
(240) 243-4049