Two MTC Members Partner to Offer Cybersecurity Training to Job Seekers
The Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation (AAWDC) is a nationally recognized organization that provides high quality workforce development services in Anne Arundel County and across Maryland. The AAWDC serves as the bridge between understanding the workforce and talent development needs of regional businesses and training individuals to fill those positions. The organization has teamed with another MTC member, HackEd—a talent community providing cybersecurity training and job placement—to train long-term underemployed and unemployed individuals.
The idea for the partnership came out of a Maryland Tech Connection grant which is funded through the Department of Labor. Pipe industries are chosen for grants based on the needs of the local workforce, and it’s not surprising that cybersecurity training was seen as a necessity for the region. AAWDC has a cyber navigator who matches employers’ needs with the type of training that AAWDC should offer. It was found that cybersecurity training with a hands-on component would be beneficial to students as it helps with skill development and learning retention. Taking this into consideration, HackEd’s cutting-edge training that is geared toward real-world scenarios along with its connections to local companies was deemed to be the perfect fit.
The first class of 11 participants started the 8-week training during the week of June 19 in Laurel, and it consists of veterans and underemployed and unemployed men and women each with varying degrees of technical experience. The students work with code to do offensive and defensive work and learn how to protect systems. Given the large number of AAWDC and HackEd corporate partners, the students are in an excellent position to secure jobs at the end of their training. In addition to the cybersecurity training, AAWDC conducts more formal instructional training where students take a break from the classroom to get intern-type experience and then they return to complete their training. In the bio space, students go through occupational training for 3 months and then work in a 3-month internship. The cyber training provides a bit of a break from that model and enables students to focus solely on hands-on classroom training.
Individuals who are looking for training can go to where they can fill out an interest form and embark on the career restart program. The AAWDC staff helps to prepare participants for their next job by providing feedback on resumes and LinkedIn profiles, sharpening interviewing skills, and helping them understand how they fit into their desired job. Reports show that 80% of job seekers find positions through connections, so the staff also teaches the finer points of networking and teams with companies, like HackEd, that have established corporate connections.
AAWDC invites corporations to get involved with the organization, as it offers a lot of opportunities from providing business-focused feedback to the staff to offering internships for IT and bioscience for 3, 4, or months. AAWDC has job training funds, so they can help support in-job training with anywhere from 50 – 90% reimbursement. They also have advisory positions where companies can offer consultations to the organization. Currently, there are candidates who are eager to work and ready to hire, so if you have positions available or if you want to volunteer, please visit