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12:00 pm
Leveraging Salesforce platform to address challenges in Pre-Clinical and Clinical Space
LabPulse Managing laboratory experiments seamlessly and efficiently isn’t always easy. There are increased demands for more testing, higher standards for quality & data compliance, the need to minimize overhead, and the emphasis on proper tracking and data management. Together these dynamics present an opportunity to develop a platform that can manage pre-clinical research effectively. The need to allow for proper planning, initiation, and documentation of experiments can help researchers plan and organize data more effectively. The reproducibility of experiments is...
Find out more »Cyber Scholar Series: EO 14110 The Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of AI
Join us for an insightful webinar on Executive Order 14110, recently signed by President Biden, which focuses on the trustworthiness and ethical use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This executive order marks a significant step towards establishing a comprehensive framework for the development, deployment, and regulation of AI technologies in the United States. Key Topics Covered: Overview of Executive Order 14110: An in-depth look at the provisions of the executive order, its goals, and its implications for AI development and use. Trustworthiness...
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