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Driving Revenue: Exceeding Sales Goals
Sessions will be held January 9 through February 13 Have you asked yourself the following questions? How do I sell beyond my “Friends and Family”? Do I have a strategy for repeatable sales? Am I positioned to drive revenue to achieve my goals? Do I have the necessary sales systems and materials in place to Scale to reach my goals? Is my plan executable?... with monthly contact goals and attainable revenue/sales goals? If you are saying “no” to any of...
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SCALEUP Maryland
The SCALEUP Maryland program is sponsored by the Maryland Department of Commerce and the T. Rowe Price Foundation. The Spring 2024 cohort begins on February 13 and concludes on May 7. The twelve week program is coached by seasoned entrepreneurs and business development professionals. Designed for owners and CEO's of companies with revenues up to $5M, the program provides the knowledge and tools needed to develop and execute a viable strategic growth plan. The program mentors the participants through plan...
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