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11:00 am
Design Thinking for Entrepreneurs
Don’t just speculate. Design it. This four-part seminar, held Wednesday evenings from May 24 thru June 14, will give you the tools you need to cut through ambiguity and move forward with confidence. Vance MacEwen, co-founder of Greatest Possible Good, delivers interactive workshops taking you through the design thinking process. You’re not just taking another class; thanks to a generous Howard County grant, you get open access to your instructors’ calendars while taking courses at the MIC. Apply what you...
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CohnReznick Webinar: Section 174 and the Connection to R&D Tax Credits
The new Section 174 law – which has gone into effect for taxable years beginning after Dec. 31, 2021 – was enacted as part of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act and potentially impacts all taxpayers. The law has far-reaching implications for any company that has qualified research expenditures connected to the Research & Development tax credit or costs categorized as Section 174 expenses. These costs could include utilities, lab materials, attorney fees, depreciation, rent, computer supplies, and others. Under...
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